Technical overview creating a fork of

Hard Forks

Several scenarios are conceivable where e.n.o. members may want or need to perform a fork from the existing blockchain network and to create their own blockchain network. This can be through, for example, evan GmbH going out of business, one member wishing to leave, or several members wishing to leave. The legal position during and after the execution of the fork of an e.n.o. member is determined by the legal and chosen regulations of the e.n.o.. When Partners have existing use cases deployed and working on the partners may want to take the existing data to their own blockchain network.

It is possible to create a hard fork of the network at a given block by creating a “own” blockchain.

The following steps must be done to create a “fork” of the given network. operates fully on OpenEthereum nodes. The wiki with all options can be found here.

Create own chain spec

The chain specification contains the information of the “first block” of a blockchain network. This specification can be adjusted to provide additional features to a network.

To create a new fork you must sync the existing blockchain on a local computer to the block where you want to fork the chain.

Download the latest chain spec from the GitHub

The description of all available configuration properties can be found on the OpenEthereum wiki.

Create new signing account

To “fork” the current chain you have to create a new signing account for the OpenEthereum client. This can be done with the CLI command

openethereum --chain PATH/TO/CHAINSPEC account new

When executing this command you will be prompted to enter a password for the new signing account

Please note that password is NOT RECOVERABLE.
Type password:
Repeat password:

When you entered a password for the new account, your new signer address shows up in the command line (e.g. 0x66a4b6f39b4c3e7203ab9caeecbad58d8f29b046)

Adjust chain spec

With this new account you can adjust the signing settings for your own fork of the Go to your cloned spec.json and edit it with your favorite editor.

from line 7-12 you have the configuration of the AuRa mechanism:

"validators": {
  "multi": {
    "0": { "contract": "0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000001" }

In this object you can configure the authorities (value of the “multi” object) in the chain at a specific block (key of the “multi” object).

The default chain specification of includes a smart contract which manages the authorities on the network.

To add a single account as authority add a new entry in the object and set the key to the block number where the client consensus stopped syncing and as value an object with the key “list” and the value to an array with the accounts which should be the new authorities of the network:

"validators": {
  "multi": {
    "0": { "contract": "0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000001" },
    "20000000": { "list": ["0x66a4b6f39b4c3e7203ab9caeecbad58d8f29b046"] },

This config tells the client that from block 20.000.000 the authorities change from the initial smart contract to a fixed list of accounts.

Adjust NetworkID

Every chain has also a specific ID which will be communicated to the network of clients. To not get any syncing issues with the original chain you have to give your network a new unique hex id.

The ID will be defined in the params section of the chain spec:

"params": {
  "networkID": "0xC06E",

change the networkID to something different and add a “chainID” parameter with the 0xC06E in the object.

"params": {
  "networkID": "0xDEADBEEF",
  "chainID": "0xC06E",

Remove Bootnodes

Because you want your own fork of your node is not able to sync to the original bootnodes anymore. You can remove them in the array of nodes and you can also add your own nodes (when available) to the array in the spec

Adding new authorities

When you want to add new authorities (one or more) to your specification you have to add a new section in your validators list:

"validators": {
  "multi": {
    "0": { "contract": "0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000001" },
    "20000000": { "list": ["0x66a4b6f39b4c3e7203ab9caeecbad58d8f29b046"] },
    "21000000": { "list": [
    ] },

Then you have to provide the adjusted chainspec.json to all existing and new authorities who are running the OpenEthereum client.

With these settings you can start your own fork of When you start the OpenEthereum client make sure that you pass your new chain spec:

openethereum --chain /YOUR/PATH/TO/CHAINSPEC --engine-signer=[NEW SIGNER ADDRESS]

Authoritynode Contract

About the Authoritynode Contract

The section “Hard Fork” describes how to create a new chain specification with a new set of authorities on the new chain. In the case you want to manage the allowed authorities (like adding a new account), you have to modify the chainspec.json and then distribute it to all authorities on your network. This is not an efficient way to manage a large amount of authorities.

OpenEthereum has the ability to have a smart contract as authority management instance. The detailed documentation is on the openethereum wiki.

This contract can be deployed on the network and then defined in the chainspec.json as a safeContract.

How it works

On common Proof of Work chains, every client which solves the “calculation puzzle” is able to add a new block to the blockchain. In consortial chains which use the Proof of Authority consensus, only defined clients/accounts are able to add new blocks to the chain. The Authoritynode contract is called whenever a new block arrives at the client. The contact verifies if the issuer of the block is included in the contracts authorities list. If the account is not available in the list, the block will be refused by the client.

This mechanism is called “AuthorityRound”. Every authority gets a slot in which he can propose a new block. For example your chain specification defines that every 3 seconds a new block should be created and you have 3 authorities in your spec. The AuRa consensus now allows the following order of block creations:

  • Authority 1
  • … 3 Sec
  • Authority 2
  • … 3 Sec
  • Authority 3
  • … 3 Sec
  • Authority 1

All these 3 authorities are allowed to publish a new block when their slot takes place. If they miss their slot (for example a node is offline) then the block will be skipped and the next authority slot creates a new block. In this case it takes 6 seconds until the next block arrives.

The Authoritynode Contract can dynamically manage the list of authorities. The BaseOwnedSet.sol contains all methods to add/remove new authorities from the contract.

Setup on

On we deployed a initial set of the contract with 3 authorities. This contract is placed in the chainspec in the section of the validators section as safeContract.

Adding authorities

To add a new authority you have to execute the smart contract function addValidator on the authority contract. This function takes 1 address which should be added to the authority list. After executing the transaction, the address is added to the pending addresses array in the contract. The OpenEthereum client now takes notice of the change in the Authority contract. The consensus defines that every authority in the current status has to confirm the add of the new authority address. This takes 1 block for every authority. After every existing authority signaled the acceptance of the new authority member, the change will be activated and the pending address is transferred to the validators address array and from this point, the new authority address is a validated member which can propose new blocks.

Removing authorities

To remove an existing authority you have to execute the smart contract function removeValidator on the authority contract. The function takes also 1 address as parameter. The address in the parameter should be removed from the validators address array. The procedure is the same like in the addValidator function. Every authority must signal the removal of the account to finalize the change of the validators array.

If you want to know more about the AuthorityRound contract and the consensus mechanism, visit the OpenEthereum Wiki

Transaction Permissions

About Permissions

The TransactionPermission contract is responsible for controlling which users are allowed to perform transactions on the It is a permissioning contract build as described in the OpenEthereum wiki and configured in the chain spec.

On no sender is allowed to perform any transaction unless permissions have been explicitly granted to it, which happens during onboarding on upon accepting the terms of use. Those permissions can be revoked in case of misbehavior like unlawful activities. This can be performed by the owner of the contract, like a ENO controlled wallet.

How it works

Every transaction that should be included in a block is checked for its validity against the allowedTxTypes function.

The owner of the contract is allowed to perform all transactions. Every other sender needs either specific permissions assigned to him or her or the transaction falls into the scope of the minimumPermission property. For example calling contracts might be allowed in minimumPermission but creating contracts might require higher level of permissions assigned to the sender of a transaction.

Transaction Permissions Setup on

One might be wondering why the default value in the transaction permission contract is defined as ALL, because this would mean that every sender can perform all transactions. This was indeed the case during migration, when this permissioning system had been introduced, but if you check minimumPermission on, you’d get the value 0 as the result. Therefore transactions are disabled for all new accounts and enabled for every single user after accepting the terms of use.

Managing the Transaction Permissions Contract

The owner of the contract can use the following flags to control allowed transaction types per address on

    uint32 public constant NONE = 0;
    uint32 public constant ALL = 0xffffffff;
    uint32 public constant BASIC = 0x01;
    uint32 public constant CALL = 0x02;
    uint32 public constant CREATE = 0x04;
    uint32 public constant PRIVATE = 0x08;

These permissions are then combined into a bitmask that represents an accounts permissions, e.g. BASIC and CALL might be combined as BASIC | CALL, which would result in 0x03 as the value for an accounts permission bitmask.

Those masks can be passed to

  • grantPermission: adds certain permissions to an accounts current permission setup
  • revokePermission: removes certain permissions from an accounts current permission setup
  • setPermission: overwrites a users permission setup with given bitmask
  • setMinimumPermission: defines the basic permissions for all users as the given bitmask

Service Transactions

Accounts can be configured as service accounts, which are allowed to perform transactions without paying for the gas costs in the transactions. Such transactions have to include gas like regular transactions but the gas price is set to 0. This feature is currently used by the onboarding smart agent for creating new users profiles and allowing them to perform transactions via the TransactionPermissionsContract.

Which users are allowed to perform service transactions is controlled by the service_transaction_checker certifier, see Gas Price in the OpenEthereum wiki.


About Blockrewards and Bridge Contract

In Ethereum based chains normally every “miner” or “validator” of a block gets a reward in form of native coins. On Proof of Authority chains based on OpenEthereum it is also possible that you not give any rewards to the authorities, instead a smart contract can manage the “minting” of these coins and can send these to the receivers on the network. On the coins are called EVEs and can be bought through a web UI via credit card or receipt. When the network received a payment by the payment provider, it triggers a transaction to the “BlockRewardContract” and this contract is called like the AuthorityRound Contract also every new block and checks if any “minting” must be done.

How it works

The BlockReward.sol contract is defined in the chainspec.json file in the authorityround params section:

    "authorityRound": {
      "params": {
        "blockRewardContractAddress": "0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
        "blockRewardContractTransition": "0x0"

With the parameter blockRewardContractAddress you can define the address where the blockreward contract is deployed.

With the parameter blockRewardContractTransition you define the blocknumber (as hex value) from which block number on the contract should be responsible for the payouts/minting of the coins.

Creating a payout

The contract itself has one main function which can be called from the owner of the contract (which can be either a single Ethereum address or a multi sig wallet).

The main function is called addExtraReceiver which takes two arguments

  • _amount - a uint256 which defines the to be generated coin amount
  • _receiver - a address of an account which should receive the amount of coins

The amount is defined in WEI (the smallest amount of Ethereum). As a example 1 EVE is equivalent to 1000000000000000000 Wei so if the contract should generate 101 EVE for account 0xB88E14514C8b5983EDBAB3c33534b75911eae302 you have to pass 101000000000000000000 as _amount parameter and 0xB88E14514C8b5983EDBAB3c33534b75911eae302 as _receiver parameter.

The minting is then done in the next block which is included in the blockchain.

Getting different payout information

The BlockReward contract provides also several getters which give you more information about the amounts generated with the contract:

  • mintedForAccount(address _account) - gives you the whole amount minted for a specific address
  • mintedForAccountInBlock(address _account, uint256 _blockNumber)- gives you the amount minted for a specific address in a specific block number
  • mintedInBlock(uint256 _blockNumber) - gives the whole amount minted in a specific block number
  • mintedTotally() - gives you the whole amount minted from this contract

ENS usage


The ENS (Ethereum Name Service) is used throughout to store and access human readable address names (e.g. 'profile.factory.evan') and resolve them into technical contract addresses or data (e.g. '0xFEd281e8433Ca7B92333347C9a3D46545319a8ff').

ENS service on is build upon the well known ENS service with a few additions:

  • storing data on addresses
  • time limited addresses, buyable by users

Storing data on addresses

This follows the implementation guidelines for resolvers but for clarification, keep the following things in mind:

  • The data is not actually stored as binary data. content contains a bytes32 representation of an IPFS hash pointing to IPFS.
  • To shorten the base58 IPFS hash, it is converted to a Byte array and the leading two Bytes with the multihash id are dropped. This reduces the length to 32 Bytes, which can be stored via ENS.
  • Utilizing this approach, ENS addresses can be equipped with descriptive information on how to use the contract referenced in the address, for example with a DBCP description. Dapps are usually stored as DBCP description and most often do not have an underlying contract, so addr for this ENS address is 0x in these cases.

Timed ENS

Whoever deploys an ENS infrastructure on a chain, usually owns the addresses assigned to it, at least initially.

As a structure like this would not allow partners to roll out own contracts with easy-to-use addresses and deploy their own business logic dapps on the chain in usable way, other participants should be allowed to own their own address domains (e.g. 'partner123.evan'). One approach would be to let them request the domains they want from the original deployer and this instance then assigns domains to the respective partners. This would work, but it is also a perfect use case for smart contracts that can handle the management of these domains.

Therefore the ownership of the domain '.evan' has been transferred to PayableRegistrar smart contract. Only this smart contract is now able to assign ownership of subdomains of '.evan', like the previously mentions 'partner123.evan'. This can be done time limited by any network use or permanently by the owner of the registrar.

See section “Addresses on” for the address of the registrar, ens and well known ENS addresses on

Time Limited Addresses

To get access to a time limited address, a user can call the register function of the registrar.

Time limited domains and their subdomains cannot be resolved after their expiration time has been reached. The exact time window depends on the registrar (see below) and the ENS, that resovles the addresses. On we use TimedENS for this. By default, domains are valid for 52 weeks and the TimedENS allows resolval up to 8 weeks after the expiration time has been reached, can be checked by calling validPostExipireWindow on the TimedENS.

Consider the following things when registering new subdomains:

  • The label argument is a keccak256 hash of the subdomains label. For example if a user wants to register 'partner123.evan', this is then hash of 'partner' (‘0x988189638926a160e48a2550e7a8b2e45071f9193f3aeff6387adb9942eeccd6’).
  • The owner argument is the new owner of the subdomain. Usually this is the address of the caller.
  • Note that the function is payable and the correct fee for registering new subdomains has to be sent with the transaction. The fee can be checked by calling price at the registrar.
  • The addresses are by default limited to 52 weeks, the time frame can be checked by calling validDuration at the registrar.
  • The lifetime of addresses can be extended by calling register again. Note that this can only be done in a certain time window ahead of expiration. This time window is 8 weeks ahead and can be checked by calling validPreExipireWindow at the registrar.

Permanent Addresses

The owner of the registrar can also call registerPermanent to set subdomains that do not expire without funds. The same notes about the arguments from above apply here as well.

Notes about managing PayableRegistrar and TimedENS

The owner of the registrar can perform administrative tasks on the registrar as well, this includes:

  • Setting a new price for the register function with setPrice.
  • Defining new time windows for address expiration with setValidDuration.
  • Defining new time windows for renewing ownerships of addresses with setValidPreExipireWindow.
  • Withdrawing accumulated funds from registered addresses with claimFunds.

The owner of the timed ENS can define how long after its expiration an ENS address can be resolved with setValidPostExipireWindow at the TimedENS.

MultiSig wallets


Multisig wallets are a mechanism to allow multiple parties to act as a single entity on the chain. This entity is the Multisig wallet and the accounts controlling it can act as this wallet.

When using wallets, usually transactions are delegated through wallets. Therefore instead of calling a contract directly, a transaction is made against the wallet and the wallet then calls the other contract. Smart contracts which have technically one owner, can be controlled by multiple owners, when ownership is assigned to a wallet and the wallet is controlled by multiple parties. Depending on the setup of the wallet, transaction can be made by any party or an agreement of multiple or all wallet owners may be required before such a transaction can be made.

This allows to build important scenarios on like multi-party ownership of central contracts like the transaction permission contract. A good example is the usage of the TransactionPermission contract. This contract is owned by such a wallet and all wallet owners are able to grant or revoke transaction permissions if required.

The implementation for the MultiSig wallet used on can be found here.

Types of MultiSig Wallets on

  • MultiSigWalletSG - a self governed (hence the “SG”) wallet where all owners of the wallet can execute transaction with the wallet and configure it
  • MultiSigWallet - a wallet that has a single “admin” like owner that can configure the wallet and all owners can make transactions with it
  • VerificationHolder and its inherited wallet logic implementation from KeyHolder - used as primary identities on

Using the Wallets


User Management

Adding and removing users can be done pretty straight forward with addOwner, removeOwner and replaceOwner.

Note that removeOwner will also reduce the required number of confirmations for a wallet transaction if it would exceed the number of owners left in the wallet.

Transaction Handling

To execute transactions via a wallet, call the submitTransaction on your wallet. The arguments are as following:

  • destination - a contract the wallet should call or an address funds should be transferred to
  • value - amount of Wei to send to destination
  • data - an ABI byte string for transaction, usually consists of contract function hash and encoded input data

If the required number of confirmations in the wallet is set to 1, the transaction will immediately be executed. If not, the id of the submitted transaction has to be taken from the Submission event and confirmed by the required number of owners. For this they can use the confirmTransaction function, which takes the transaction id as its argument. As soon as the required number of confirmations has been reached, the transactions is submitted.

Keep in mind, that executing transactions is more expensive, the larger the data part is. data is stored in the wallet contract and is used as data upon execution. This has two implications:

  • If the required number of confirmations is larger than 1, the last confirmation will most probably have much higher transaction costs than the other confirmations, as this is the transaction where the wallet will actually perform the transaction, the confirmations were collected for.
  • Creating contracts via wallet is usually two times as expensive, compared to creating the same contract directly. The reason for this is that in such transactions the entire byte data of the smart contract is stored twice: One time at the wallet and upon execution a second time for the new contract.

The contract member required reflects the required number of confirmations before a transaction submitted to the wallet is executed. Depending on the scenario different values might be used for the number of confirmations:

  • act on behalf: Setting required to 1 allows any owner to act on behalf of the wallet.
  • ballot: Setting required to desired number or even to the same number as the number of owners allows to collect confirmations for the transaction form multiple participants before submitting the transaction.

The number of required transactions can be checked by calling required on the wallet. It can also be configured by using changeRequirement to set a new value.


Works like the MultiSigWallet wallet except that the wallet can only be managed by the administrative account of the wallet. This account can be checked by calling owner, ownership can be transferred with setOwner.

The following functions can only be used by the administrative account:

  • changeRequirement
  • addOwner
  • removeOwner
  • replaceOwner

VerificationHolder aka “Identity”

Every user receives an instance of VerificationHolder during onboarding and usually performs transactions through it and DIDs and DID documents are bound to this. Therefore it is usually just called “identity”. Other users may be granted permissions to act on behalf of this identity (make transactions through it) as well.

These identities are based on ERC725 v1 and ERC735.

User Management

User management is key based in VerificationHolder as it inherits from KeyHolder. Users (addresses on may hold one or multiple keys in an identity, the owner for example holds the keys MANAGEMENT_KEY and ACTION_KEY.

Keys are usually keccak256 hashes of account addresses. These keys may have one or multiple purposes (similar to the account having certain roles). Multiple functions for managing keys are offered in the KeyHolder smart contract, with the following functions being the most important ones:

  • keyHasPurpose - Used to check if a certain key has a certain purpose. Default purposes can be found in ERC725.sol. The most important ones here are the MANAGEMENT_KEY (allows to configure the identity) and the ACTION_KEY (allows to perform transaction with the identity)
  • addKey - adds a key with given purpose and type (ECDSA, RSA, …)
  • removeKey - removes a given purpose from a key, if this was the only purpose, the entire key is removed
Transaction Handling

Accounts with the ACTION_KEY key are allowed to call execute to execute a transaction via wallet. The arguments are similar to the arguments described in MultiSigWalletSG:

  • _to- a contract the wallet should call or an address funds should be transferred to
  • _value - amount of Wei to send to _to
  • _data - an ABI byte string for transaction, usually consists of contract function hash and encoded input data

It is also possible to let an unrelated account execute a contract transaction. For this the function executeDelegated can be used. This function has the same arguments plus _signedTransactionInfo, which is a signed hash of the transaction details. The signer has to hold an ACTION_KEY in the identity. This allows to prepare transactions and let another account execute the transaction and pay for it, without granting the paying account any undesired privileges in the identity while having zero gas cost on the side of the signing account.


Even if not used broadly, the execute function can be used to prepare transactions and confirm them later on by any account with the ACTION_KEY. Group based decision making cannot be build with this setup as the first account with the ACTION_KEY will execute the transaction. To prepare a transaction this way, call execute with an account without the ACTION_KEY and grab the execution nonce from the ExecutionRequested event. Then call approve with an account with the ACTION_KEY and the nonce from before to execute the transaction.

Onboarding Agent

Onboarding of new Users

The onboarding agent is primarily used to help new users get started on This includes

  • creating a profile and an identity on for the new user
  • storing that the terms of use have been accepted
  • allowing the new user to perform transactions on
  • opening a payment channel to allow the new user to store files on IPFS
  • (on testcore) provide some initial funds to start working on

Onboarding Flow

When a user onboards via the [, a seed phrase is generated for the user and the user uses it to generate a local Ethereum account for This account is then used to sign a message that is sent to the server to prove the ownership over the new account.

Then the user calls the endpoint smart-agents/profile/create and the server creates the user identity setup on even network, which primarily consists of the following components:

  • an identity contract, see “VerificationHolder” in section “MultiSig wallets”
  • a profile digital twin to hold user related data, create with the ProfileDataContractFactory

After this the use can prepare data to be inserted into the profile digital twin and encrypts it locally. The encrypted data is then sent to the smart-agents/profile/fill endpoint, which then continues with the onboarding steps:

  • user data is inserted into the digital twin
  • the server creates two verifications to proof that the terms of use have been accepted by the user
    • '/evan/onboarding/termsofuse' - terms of use have been accepted
    • '/evan/onboarding/termsofuse-${ termsOfUseOrigin }' - version of the terms of use that has been accepted
  • a payment channel is opened for the user to allow storing files in IPFS
  • the profile digital twin is finally handed over to the user and the server is removed from its permissions


The onboarding agent also allows to hand out funds on testcore to allow easier developing on the test environment. For this the smart-agents/faucet/handout endpoint can be used.

A Gitter based chatbot can also be configured to handout funds via Gitter chats.

Handing out funds is time gated depending on the configuration and is only done on testcore.

Terms of Use

Terms of use may change over time and the users consent has to be renewed as well. To be able to do so, the latest terms of use can be fetched with the smart-agents/faucet/terms-of-use/get endpoint.

The user can then accept it and call the smart-agents/faucet/terms-of-use/accept endpoint to signal approval. The agent then issues then updated terms of use verifications for the terms of use:

  • '/evan/onboarding/termsofuse' - terms of use have been accepted
  • '/evan/onboarding/termsofuse-${ termsOfUseOrigin }' - version of the terms of use that has been accepted

IPNS Key Management

The dashboard and APIs are written in JavaScript to be displayed in the browser. To use the full power of decentralization, the JavaScript APIs and the dashboard UIs are hosted on a private IPFS network.

The nature of IPFS is that when you upload a file to IPFS you receive a unique Hash of the file as result. Now if you change a single character in the file and upload it again you receive a new unique hash of the file.

This turns out negative when you have a static website which should load always the latest JavaScript API in the browser.

IPFS provides a feature called IPNS (Interplanetary Name Service) where you can register fixed Hashes and map them to an existing IPFS Hash.

Every IPNS resolvable hash is controlled by a key. You can generate a new key on the IPFS node with the command:

ipfs key gen MyKeyName

This returns the public key of your generated key

> k51qzi5uqu5dh5kbbff1ucw3ksphpy3vxx4en4dbtfh90pvw4mzd8nfm5r5fnl

with your new generated key you can now publish a given IPFS hash (of your document) to a fixed key in the IPNS namespace

ipfs name publish --key=MyKeyName /ipfs/QmUVTKsrYJpaxUT7dr9FpKq6AoKHhEM7eG1ZHGL56haKLG

The command above publishes the IPFS hash QmUVTKsrYJpaxUT7dr9FpKq6AoKHhEM7eG1ZHGL56haKLG with your created key to a fixed name.

> Published to k51qzi5uqu5dh5kbbff1ucw3ksphpy3vxx4en4dbtfh90pvw4mzd8nfm5r5fnl: /ipfs/QmUVTKsrYJpaxUT7dr9FpKq6AoKHhEM7eG1ZHGL56haKLG

Now you can resolve your document from the given ID


IPNS names expire after a certain time. To fix this you can generate a bash script which runs the name publish command every 20 minutes

while :
  ipfs name publish --key=MyKeyName /ipfs/QmUVTKsrYJpaxUT7dr9FpKq6AoKHhEM7eG1ZHGL56haKLG
  sleep 1200

Now your IPNS name is resolvable forever. If your IPFS hash changes (due to update of the code or smth. else) simply change the hash in the script and restart it.

If you want to know more about IPNS, go to the official IPFS documentation.